Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Walnut Chai Drink

2½ ounce walnuts (a little less than a cup, depending on quantity of whole walnuts, soaked 1-2 hours, dried thoroughly
4 ounce coconut water (up to 5 ounces, depending on thickness preference)
1 tablespoon cacao powder, more to taste
a little more than 1/2 t agave, more to taste
¼ of a vanilla bean
¼ teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 t + 1/8 t cardamom seeds (or 1/4 t ground)
1/8 teaspoon garam masala
1/8 teaspoon ground ginger
pinch himalayan crystal salt

1) Add all ingredients to a blender, and start out the blender on low.
2) Use your spatula to scrape down the mixture, and then blend on high. You might also need to use the pulse mode for about 20 seconds in order to adequately grind up the vanilla bean.
3) Pour into a small mug or glass, and enjoy right away! This yogurt is best when it’s still slightly chilled.

Notes: This yogurt is assertively spiced, so spice it down if you like. You can substitute a combination of water and agave for the coconut water, but in my experience, the coconut water really elevates the recipe to another level!

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