Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Hay is for horses, but cereal grass is for humans!

Nutritional grass, or cereal grass as it is also known, is the young green plant that soon grows into a cereal grain. It is important to note, however, that grasses are not a grain. If you are avoiding barley grass or wheat grass because you are avoiding the protein called gluten, these grasses are safe. They are totally gluten-free!

You've heard of them - barley grass, wheatgrass, oat grass, alfalfa. They're all part of the "healthy grass" family and have scores of vital nutrients.

In fact, the nutrient profile of cereal grass is similar to those of the most nutritious dark green vegetables.

Cereal grass has been used as a food supplement since the 1930's when it was observed that nutritional levels of milk took a dip when cows weren't munching away on young, green leaves. From that point on, the light bulb was lit and systematic research began on the benefits of nutritional grass.

What is it that Makes Nutritional Grass so Nutritious?
-Every single vitamin, amino acid, enzyme or mineral needed to support animal life is in grass.
-It is a total food in itself and needs no other food to complement or complete it.
-Very self-sufficient, don't you think?

If we check in with our innate wisdom, our bodies will tell us that nutritional grass and greens is just what we need for survival. Haven't you ever wondered why dogs and cats love chomping on a good field of healthy grass…especially when they don't feel well and need energy to heal?

For centuries, animals lived on nothing but this complete food.

It used to be that only your "strange" neighbor (that would be me!) who spent too much time at the health food store would grow and juice his own nutritional grass, but now everybody's doing it! Take a look some of the benefits and you'll see why juice from green grass and plants has become so popular:

Barley Grass -
Contains 11 times the calcium in cows' milk
Has nearly 5 times the iron in spinach
Holds 7 times the vitamin C in oranges
Packs 80mg of vitamin B12 per hundred grams

Wheat Grass -
Can improve the digestive system
Helps relieve constipation
Detoxifies the blood
Cleanses the liver

Oat Grass -
Has up to 30% protein
Loaded with vitamins, calcium, iron, lecithin, magnesium, pantothenic acid, phosphorus and potassium
Illuminated with rich chlorophyll - nature's blood cleanser

Alfalfa -
Rich in minerals and nutrients
Has 8 essential amino acids
Alkalizes and detoxifies the body (especially the liver!)
A natural anti-fungal

All it takes to grow your own green food is a small container, fresh water and healthy soil, a little sunshine and anywhere from 7-15 days before it's ready for juicing. A good juicer with blades specifically for cereal grass is the only tool you need to have fresh green juice every day!

Don't let your friends make fun of you! You'll be the only one not in the nursing home here soon!

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