Friday, July 20, 2007

Why you need to learn to love SARDINES!

King Oscar brisling sardines are 100 per cent pure and free of preservatives. They also provide you with a daily source of essential protein, vitamins, minerals and Omega-3 polyunsaturated fats.
Good for your bones Adequate calcium intake is as important for adults as it is for children. Human bones are in a continuous state of renewal, and a daily supplement of 800 milligrams of calcium is generally recommended for adults. A 106-gram (3.8-ounce) can of King Oscar brisling sardines can provide 30 per cent of this amount, more than in a glass of milk. An ideal substitute for the protein in meat You can get 40 per cent of your recommended daily allowance of protein from one 106-gram (3.8-ounce) can of King Oscar brisling sardines. Sardines are an ideal substitute for such foods as meat and cheese which contain high levels of unhealthy saturated fats. These can raise blood cholesterol levelsWhat a few vitamin Ds and Bs can do for you. One can of brisling sardines will provide your full recommended daily allowance of vitamin D, essential for calcium absorption.This fish is also an excellent source of B vitamins, which benefit the nervous system and the skin.Iron strengthens the blood Brisling is rich in iron, which plays an important role in forming red blood cells and carrying oxygen in the blood to promote healthy tissue. Meat also contain a good quantity of iron, but brisling's protein count matches almost any form of meat while providing much lower levels of fat and cholesterol. Brisling also contains phosphorous and fluoride, which help to build bone, as well as significant amounts of magnesium, zinc and potassium. A weapon in the battle against heart disease Cold-water brisling are high in Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Every can, depending on size, contains 1.2-3.5 grams (0.04-0.12 ounces) of these substances.Many scientists now believe that Omega-3 fatty acids could be effective in the fight against coronary heart disease and inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis.

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